Dr. Arvind Prasad Dwivedi bagged Asia’s Excellent Academician Award in Physical Chemistry

Dr. ARVIND PRASAD DWIVEDI, Guest Lecturer of Chemistry in Govt. Swami Vivekananda P.G. College, Harda (M.P.) was born on March 05, 1984. He holds B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD from various reputed institutions with first class. He has also Completed PGDCA from Himalayan University, Arunachal Pradesh.
His Main Research Topics:
- “Characterization of diffuse Chemical Pollution in Vindhya Pradesh”
- “Electro Chemical Kinetics Study of Bio-System’’
- “Characterization and mapping of diffuse chemical pollution in Central India”
Awards & Honors
- Recipient of Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.) the M.P. Council of Science and Technology –University cell confers Best Science Research Award -2011 for outstanding Contribution in the field of chemistry.
- The Godavari academy of Science and Technology Environment & Social Welfare Society, Chhatarpur, MP, Tenure ESW Annual National Conference 2017 on “Impact of Global warming on Environment, Biodiversity and Ecotourism’’ on 30 & 31 January 2017 at spiritual & Religious UNESCO Heritage site Khajuraho, India. Paryavaran Godavari Award – January 2017 for outstanding Contribution in the field of Environment science.
- By the society of Journal of applicable chemistry held the Tamil Nadu Best Research Paper Award – January 2016 for outstanding Contribution in the field of Environmental chemistry.
- By the Society of Journal groups of IRDP held at Chennai, Teaching and Research Excellence award-2016 for outstanding excellence and remarkable achievements in the field of Teaching, Research & Publications On 14th October 2017 at Chennai.
- By Arunai International Research Foundation, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. Best Faculty Award-2017, Rural Institutions in the Department of Chemistry. Dated 25-26th November, (2017).
- South Asia Management Association, Jabalpur, India. Achieved International Life Time Best Teaching Award in 9th International conference on Higher education Standards and trends towards Multidisciplinary Studies in the world, organized by Munshi Raghunandan Prasad Sardar Patel Mahila PG College Barabanki, UP , India, on date 27th-29th January 2018.
- Society of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, New Delhi, India Best Researcher Award-2018, for a Significant research Contribution in the field of Chemical Sciences. Dated 01 February, (2018).
- South Asia Management Association, Jabalpur, India. Achieved International Excellence Teaching Award in 10th International conference on Strategies for Promoting Inclusive Development, organized by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Wazirabad Road, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi India on date 17-18 March 2018.
- By the Society of Journal groups of IRDP held at Chennai, Achieved Sir C.V. Raman Life Time Achievement National Award-2018 for the outstanding excellence and remarkable achievements in the field of Teaching, Research and Publications. The purpose of the Award is to Recognize, Honour and Encourage the experts from various fields, Dated 30 May 2018.
- South Asia Management Association, Jabalpur, India. Achieved Young Scientist Award in 11th International conference on ‘‘The Education Crisis and sustainability Mission for the Better world’ ’Organized by Hitkarini Prashikshan Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur, India in Association with South Asia Management Association, 9-10th June-2018.
- Achieved Young Scientist Award for his Excellent Contribution in the field of science & Allied on the occasion of Scientist Award Ceremony-2018, world Environment Day, date 05 June ,2018 (Tuesday), at Seminar Hall, Administrative Block BBAU (A Central University), Lucknow, India, Organized by Samagra Vikas Society (SVWS)&Dr. Ram Avatar Shiksha Samiti (DRASS) Lucknow, India.
- Achieved Professor C.N.R. RAO BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD” for Chemistry. This award acknowledges your Invaluable service and contribution in Chemistry. Nominated Award Date 05-10-2011. By Bose Science Society, Established under the charter of TNSRO, Affiliated with Vigyan Prasar, DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Vide unique authorization no. VP.TN0090/2017, 39, Mura Bhavan, Koodal Nagar, Rajagopalapuram Post Pudukkottai-622003.TamilNadu.
- Society of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, New Delhi, India, Best Thesis Award-2018, for a Significant research Contribution in the field of Chemical Sciences. Dated 12 October, (2018).
- RULA International Award Summit-2018, Tamil Nadu, India, Best Scientist Award in physical chemistry, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry for a Significant research Contribution in the field of Chemical Sciences. Dated 12 November, (2018).
- RULA International Award Summit-2018, Tamil Nadu, India, Best Researcher Award in chemistry, for a Significant research Contribution in the field of Chemical Sciences. Dated 15 August, (2019). (Selected for Award-Award confirmation date-29-05-2019).
- International Research Association, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM, International Researcher Award-2023 for his Achievments and Excellent Performance in Research. Dated 03-Jan-2023.
- Journal of Environmental Monitoring Assessment
- Journal of Applied Chemical Science International, Europe
- International journal of chemistry, Canada.
- International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD)
- Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, UK
- Academia Society
Professional Society Memberships –
- President– Garib Kalyan Society, Ramnagar, Satna M.P.
- Life Member :- Indian Science Congress Association – L 24343
- Life Member of Indian Water Resources Society IIT Roorkee (India) – LM-13-7469.
- Life Member, Environment and social welfare society, Khajuraho India – LM-25
- Life Member, Indian Water work, Association, Mumbai IWWA/K/2014 – LM-8073.
- Life Member, Tulsi Research Institute Chitrakoot, Satna M.P.2007
- Life Fellow, Indian Council of Chemist, AGRA/2016-LF-1753.
- Life Member, Society of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, New Delhi, India–LSPP-1419
- Life Member, Research Journal of Environmental Science & Engineering (NEERI) NAGPUR (India).
- Life Member, International Journal of Global Science Research, Khajuraho India.
- Life Member, Society for Radiation Research, (SRR) Mumbai, India, SRR/AM-20/2018/0077.
- Senior Member; Asia Society of Researchers, Hong Kong, R218040201.
- Honorary Fellow Member, Academy for Environment and Life Science, AGRA (FAELS)-ID 389.
- Annual Member, Research Journal of Chemistry Environmental A/RJCE/Dec/2013/2413
- Member, Tulsi Ramcharit Manas Society, Sidhi M.P.
- Fellow Member, International Scientific Research Organization for Science, Engineering & Technology (ISROSET-FM-1019).
- Fellow Contribution Member –International Science Community Association-Fellow- FC- 599
- Life Member, Arunai International Research Foundation ,Chennai, India
- Engineering and Scientific International Journal, Innovative Research Developers and Publishers (IRDP), Chennai, India.
- Golden Membership: Engineering and Scientific International Journal, Innovative Research Developers and Publishers (IRDP), Chennai, India. IRDP/M/020/2019 .
- Life Member, Bose Science Society, Tamil Nadu, India, M400/BSS/2017.
- Fellow Member, Bose Science Society, Tamil Nadu, India, F400/BSS/2017.
- Fellow Member, Euro Asia Research and Development Association, New Delhi India.
- Life Member, International Economics Development Research Center (IEDRC), Member NO: 90081119.
- Fellow Member, International Society for Research and Development, (ISRD), MID-3140900825, NAVI Mumbai, India.
- Fellow Member, Society of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, New Delhi, India–FM10181
- Fellow Member, Scholars Academic & Scientific Society, SAA /FSASS/0830n date 03 June-2019.
Editorial advisory board Member:
- Advisory board Member-Elixir International Journal
- Advisory board Member-IJIEM, IJIEM and IPASJ (ID-1337), India
- Advisory board Member-University of Craiova, Romania
- IRDPJournal Group, Board Member Chennai, India
- Journal of Bio Innovation, India
- Advisory board Member– South Asia Management Association Jabalpur Management association Global Journal of multidisciplinary Studies, India
- Member in the Board of Referees, Ref ID: IJAHLS/BOR/2019/201631.
2nd National conference on “Environmental Degradation and Global Health” sponsored by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal in Association with Bundelkhand Extended Region Chapter, NASI, Allahabad & 2nd Annual Session of society of Life Sciences, Satna 01 & 02 February 2015.
-3rd National Conference on Strategy for Human Welfare on Nature Conservation and Resource Management 31 January & 01 February, 2016,Organized by Environment &Social Welfare Society, Khajuraho Madhya Pradesh , India Sponsored by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science &Technology,, National Academy of Science India & 3rd Annual Session of Society of Life Science Satna (MP).
-4th National Conference on “Impact of Global warming on EnvironmentBiodiversity and Ecotourism, 30 & 31 January, 2017, Organized by Environment &Social Welfare Society, Khajuraho Madhya Pradesh , India Sponsored by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science &Technology,, National Academy of Science India & 3rd Annual Session of Society of Life Science Satna (MP). Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur MP. Technology Basha Research Corporation, Singapore Save environment and Welfare of animals help, Ajmer, India.
Executive Coordinator -6th Annual National Research Conference on “Heritage conservation and Natural Resource Management“30 & 31 January, 2019, Organized by Environment &Social Welfare Society, Khajuraho Madhya Pradesh , India. Sponsored by BER Chapter, National Academy of Sciences India, Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh, Collaboration, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkota,west Bengal. Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur MP
Program Coordinator – C3Program/Member/1049/10, Date: 18-Apr-2017. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management.
Research Experience _ As Research scholar 07.09.2009 to 19.06.2013 at
M.G.C.G.V Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.)
Project Fellow _ At Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.)
March 2013 to 31/12/2015.
Training _
- 15th IIRS outreach program on “Basic of remote Sensing Geographical information systems & Global Navigation satellite system” Aug.10 to November 27, 2015
- 16th IIRS Outreach Program me on “Geospatial Technologies for Urban Planning” February 11, 2016 to March 15, 2016.
- Training on Spectroscopic Instruments like, UV, HPTLC and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer etc. ’at Ayurveda Sadan, Arogyadhaam , Deendayal Research Institute, Chitrakoot, Satna (m.P.) During the period from 06-062016 to 05-07-2016. (TFRA/As/T-159)
- Training on quality, Safety & Efficacy of Herbal Drugs with Characterization and validation, held at Arougadham, Deendayal Research Institute, Chitrakoot, Satna M.P. 01.07.2015 to 01/08/2015. (Distance)
- Online Certificate course for College Teachers: Professional Development, Course on Research Methodology for PhD. Guides with a Secured 76% Marks and achieved Grade of a, Remark Excellent, November 2018, at Laxmi book publication, Solapur, conducted by UGC, New Delhi.(online mode).
Alumni Members:-
- M.G.C.G.V. Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.) –2013
- APSU Rewa (UTD)- 2006
- Govt. Model Science College, Rewa,(M.P)-2005 ( A.P.S.U.Rewa )
- Govt. T.R.S. Auton College Rewa –2003 A.P.S. University, Rewa M.P. (India)
- Reviewer: International Journal of Science, Technology & Engineering
- Reviewer: SAJ Forensic Science.
- Editorial Board as a reviewer: American Journal of Environmental Protection ,USA
- Reviewer: World Journal of Analytical Chemistry, USA.
- Reviewer: Global Research and Development Journal, GRDRW0253., India
- Reviewer: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, USA
- Reviewer: Journal of Harmonized Research Publication, India
- Reviewer: International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology.
- Reviewer: Libert Academica Freedom to research, Journal of Air, Soil and Water Research. Iran
- Reviewer: Pakistan Science Mission (PSM), Science and Technology, Serving Society, Pakistan.
- Reviewer: Academic Journal of Chemistry, Pakistan.
- Reviewer: International Publisher for Advanced scientific Journals ,(IPASJ)
- Reviewer: International Journal for Research Publications” (IJRP).UK
- Reviewer: Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
- Reviewer: International Journal of Scientific research Publication (IJSRP)
- Reviewer: International Journal of Engineering Research,
- Reviewer: International Journal of Environment (IJE), Nepal
- Reviewer: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), India
- Reviewer: Journal of Bio Innovation, India
- Reviewer: Open Journal of Physical Chemistry (OJPC), Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
- Reviewer: Environmental Sciences, Water Research & Technology, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK
- Reviewer: Engineering and Scientific International Journal, Innovative Research Developers and Publishers (IRDP), Chennai, India.
- Reviewer: Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, (Washington, D.C.)U.S.A
- Reviewer: Journal of Advances in environmental Science, India.
- Reviewer: Open journal system (OJS), Firozpur Jhirka, Haryana, India.
- Reviewer: Applied and Natural Science Foundation (ANSF), Haridwar, India,
- Reviewer: International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Ahmedabad, India.
- Reviewer: International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemical Science, Indore, India.
- Reviewer: International Journal of Science and Engineering.
- Reviewer: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ), (RVWRS0067), UK.
- Reviewer: International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Reviews (IJASRR).
- Reviewer: International Journal of Excellence Innovation and Development (IJEID) India.
- Reviewer: IRE, Journal Iconic Research and Engineering Journal (International Peer-Reviewed Journal) Ahmedabad Gujarat India.
- Reviewer: Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia, Bhopal, India.
- Reviewer: Research Publications Press (RPP), Maharashtra, India
- Reviewer: International Technology and science publication (ITS), Journal of Applied chemistry, USA.
Teaching Field :
- Physical Chemistry
- Group Theory
- Environmental & Industrial Chemistry
- Modern Physical Chemistry (Spectroscopy)
- Quantum Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Soil Sciences
- Hydrochemistry
- Atmospheric chemistry

Editor- International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Associate Editor-International Journal of Medical and Health Research, New Delhi, India Ref-AKINIK/LM/125.
Associate Editor- African- British Journals, Associate editor of the African Journal of Environment and natural Science Research, Editor ID-AJENSR/003, date 5th November, 2018.
Honorary Membership: International Journal of Creative and Innovative Research in All Studies, India.
Members of Editorial Board:
- International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, India
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science, India
- Global Research and Development Journal (GRD), India
- World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, USA
- Journal of Harmonized Research Publication. India
- International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology.
- New Scientist publishers, Journal of Biological Records, India
- Seventh Sense Group, International Journal of Agriculture and Environment Science (IJAES).
- Pakistan Science Mission (PSM), Science and Technology, Serving Society, Pakistan
- Journal of Progressive Research in Modern physics and Chemistry, India
- Indian Journal of Environment protection, India
- International Journal of Basic and Applied chemical sciences, India
- International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemical sciences. India
- American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, USA
- Journal of Computer (JOC),Bangladesh
- Engineering Publication House.
- International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engg.
- International Journal of Environmental Chemistry, USA
- International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science
- International Journal of Engineering Science Technology And Research(IJESTR)
- International Educational Scientific and Research Journal ,India
- International Journal of Research-GRANTHAALAYAH (IJRG)
- International Educational Scientific Research Journal –A multidisciplinary Research Journal
- IJIEM, IJIEM AND IPASJ (ID-1337), India.
- International Publisher for Advanced scientific Journals ,(IPASJ)
- International journal of Academic Research and Development.
- International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Trends(IJSRET)
- Applied Ecology and environment of research
- International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,(SKIREC)
- International Educational Scientific Research Journal(IESRJ),India
- International Journal of Engineering Research, (IJOER)India
- University of Craiova, Romania
- International Journal of Scientific research Publication (IJSRP)
- International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering Science (IRJAES) India.
- International Journal of Alternative Fuels and Energy, India.
- Journal of Harmonized research in Applied Science, C.G. India.
- International Journal of Environment (IJE), Nepal
- International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), India
- Journal of Bio Innovation, India
- IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, India.
- Journal biological and chemical research, India.
- ITM International Journal of Innovations in Science, Engineering & Management (IIJISEM), India.
- International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, (IJLTEMAS) India.
- Engineering and Scientific International Journal, Innovative Research Developers and Publishers (IRDP), Chennai, India.
- International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Delhi, India.
- Journal of Advances in Chemistry, CIRWORLD, Amritsar, India.
- Edwin Group of Journals, Jabalpur, India.
- Open journal system (OJS), Firozpur Jhirka, Haryana, India.
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Medicine, IJPSM, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
- International Journal of Research in Technology and Management, IJRTM, Bhopal, India.
- International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering and Management, India.
- Academic Research Publishing Group, Germany.
- International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemical Science, Indore, India.
- International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, (IASET), International Journal of Applied and Natural Science. Chennai, India.
- International journal of creative Research Thought, Gujrat, India.
- International Journal for Research in Applied and Natural Science, Haryana, India.
- International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics (IJISM), India.
- International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Reviews (IJASRR), Academia Scholarly Journals.
- International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (IJMCER), Ghaziabad, UP, India.
- International Journal of Excellence Innovation and Development (IJEID), India.
- International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management (IJRESM), Andhra Pradesh, India.
- To Chemistry journal, India.
- International Journal for Research under Literal Access, India.
- International Journal of History and Scientific Studies Research (IJHSSR), Ghaziabad, U.P., India.
- Research Publications Press (RPP), Maharashtra, India
- RPP-International Journal of Advances in Research (RPP- IJOAiR), Maharashtra, India
- International research journal of Innovation in Engineering and Technology, IRJIET, Membership ID: EBM041907.
Teaching & Experience
- Guest Lecturer – (B.Sc) N.S.C.B. Govt. P.G. College Biora Rajgarh (M.P.)(04/10/2006 to 28/02/2007)
- Guest Lecturer – (B.Sc, M Sc) Govt. J.H.P.G. College Betul (M.P.)(16/08/2007 to 28/02/2008)
- Guest Lecturer – (B.Sc , M Sc) Govt. J.H.P.G. College Betul (M.P.)(01/07/2008 to 16/02/2009)
- Remedial Teaching – (B.Sc) Govt. J.H.P.G. College Betul (M.P.) -Year 2009.
- Lecturer – (B.Sc, M.Sc) Govt. S.M.S.P.G. College Shivpuri (M.P.) (11/07/2009 to 19/06/2010)
- Teaching Assistant – (B.Sc., M.Sc.) M.G.C.G.V. Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.) (01/10/2010 to 12.04.2013)
- Guest Lecturer – (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Govt. Indira Gandhi Home Science Girls College Shahdol (M.P.) (20.08.2015 to 26/05/2016)
- Guest Lecturer – (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Govt. Sanjay Gandhi Smrati Auto. P.G. College, Sidhi (M.P.) (15.08.2016 to 30/04/2017)
- Guest Lecturer – (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Govt. Sanjay Gandhi Smrati Auto. P.G. College, Sidhi (M.P.) (07.09.2017 to 29/05/2018)
- Guest Lecturer – (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Govt. Sanjay Gandhi Smrati Auto. P.G. College, Sidhi (M.P.) (03.07.2018 to 16/12/2019 (B.Sc.) Mukhyamantri Medhavi Vidyarthi Yojna-2018-19, Govt. Sanjay Gandhi Smrati Auto. P.G. College, Sidhi (M.P.)
- Guest Lecturer (Assistant Professor): (BSc., MSc), Govt. Swami Vivekanand P.G. College , Harda (M.P.) 07/02/ 2020 to 30/06/2020.
- Guest Lecturer (Assistant Professor): (BSc., MSc), Swami Vivekanand P.G. College , Harda (M.P.) 01/07/2022 to 30/06/2022.
- Guest Lecturer (Assistant Professor): (BSc. MSc), Swami Vivekanand P.G. College , Harda (M.P.)01/07/2022 to till date.