Leonardo dos Santos Lima, ASTRA 2023 Title, Outstanding Researcher Award for his specialization in, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics.

I am a PhD in Physics at Federal University of Minas and I realized post-doctoral internship at Technishe Universitaet Kaiserslautern, in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany and in Brazilian Center of Physics Research, CBPF, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nowadays, I work in higher education and research at Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais, CEFETMG In Belo Horizonte, Brazil I have experience in physics, focusing mainly on quantum magnetism and magnetic materials, quantum and topological phase transitions, spintronics, quantum correlations, and quantum entanglement and multidisciplinary topics: 1) Econophysics: study of time serie of price dynamics of the financial market through Ising model and stochastic differential equations. 2) Epidemiology: dynamics of spreadlng of disease via nonlinear stochastic differential equations. I own more than one hundred articles in different reputable journals.