Syed Shadab Nayyer is a distinguished research scholar who recently earned the prestigious Asia’s
Outstanding Researcher Award presented by ASTRA-2023 for his exceptional work on “Gaussian process
surrogate model for an effective life assessment of transformer considering model and measurement
uncertainties”. Shadab Nayyer received the B.E. degree from the Government College of Engineering
(GCEOC) in 2016, and the M.Tech. degree in electrical engineering (control system) from VJTI, Mumbai,
India, in 2019, where he is pursuing Ph.D. degree under the guidance of Dr. N. M. Singh and Dr. S. R.
Wagh. From Nov 2022, he is working as an Engineer-Research Project in the digital department of the
Motwane Manufacturing Company. His current focus is on the development of predictive maintenance
solutions for electrical appliances and drives.

Shadab Nayyer’s research has focused on developing the control design paradigm for nonlinear
systems and real-world examples, proposing the system identification approaches for parameter estimation,
and implementing his proposed algorithms for fault diagnosis and condition monitoring on real-world
applications like transformer and induction motor. He has made significant contributions to the field by
identifying the real-world challenges in implementation of the proposed algorithms to electrical machines
in different industries. His work has been published in several IEEE and Elsevier scientific journals and
more than 20 IEEE international conference papers. Recently, he has proposed the “Passivity and
Immersion (P&I) approach for constructive stabilization and control of nonlinear systems” under the
guidance of Dr. N. M. Singh and Dr. S. R. Wagh. These contributions have been published in IEEE Control
Systems Letters and IEEE Access journals. He has received numerous grants and accolades for his
contributions to the research field. He has been awarded the student travel grant award in Indian Control
Conference (ICC-2022) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. Moreover, he has secured the best
paper award and best presentation award for the research article “A Machine Learning Perspective in an
Effective Monitoring of Thermal Performance of Transformer” in IEEE International Conference on
Communication Systems, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA-2023). He was offered a Global
Distinguish Young Scientist Award and was officially invited on behalf of IEEE IAS GlobConHT-2023 at
the Maldives National University, Maldives. He was offered a position of visiting research intern under the
guidance of a Mexican-French control scientist and distinguished professor Dr. Romeo Ortega at Instituto
Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) Mexico.

Despite having accomplished numerous feats, Shadab remains committed to his research endeavours and
consistently strives to explore new frontiers in the fields of electrical engineering, control systems, and
condition monitoring of electrical equipment. Shadab Nayyer is an accomplished researcher in the field of
electrical engineering who has expertise in a variety of software tools and technologies. He is particularly
well-versed in Python, MATLAB, and Simulink, which are widely used in the field of electrical engineering
for modelling, simulation, and data analysis. During his master’s and doctorate studies, he expertise in
Constructive Nonlinear systems, Condition monitor & Fault diagnosis, Linear Control Design, Electrical
Machines, Machine Learning (ML), System Identification. This expertise has enabled him to conduct
research in a variety of areas, including advanced control engineering, power engineering, renewable
energy systems, and signal processing. At the end, Shadab Nayyer extends his heartfelt appreciation to his
supervisors, parents, friends, and colleagues for their invaluable support throughout his journey. Their
guidance, encouragement, and unwavering support have been instrumental in the successful completion of
this endeavour. He is immensely grateful for their contributions and looks forward to their continued
support in all future endeavours.

His research expertise lies in system identification, nonlinear systems control, condition monitoring,
predictive maintenance, data-driven modelling, and machine learning. Shadab is presently involved in
exploring the realm of fractals and chaos, as this field presents a plethora of prospects for inquiry and
revelation not only in mathematics but also in other domains.