Jun Matsushima received a B.E. (1992) in precision engineering from University of Tokyo, an M.E. (1994) and a Ph.D. (1999) in energy and resource engineering from University of Tokyo. From 1994 through 2002, he worked at Geological Survey of Japan as a research geophysicist. From 2002 through 2004, he worked at Japan National Oil Corporation. He joined The University of Tokyo as an associate professor since 2005. He is now a professor of Department of Environment Systems, The University of Tokyo. He has primarily engaged in seismic exploration research, and more recently, he has also delved into research on exploration utilizing cosmic ray muons. Within the realm of seismic exploration research, his endeavors have yielded noteworthy contributions in the domains of seismic exploration data analysis technology, laboratory experiment techniques, and theoretical studies grounded in rock physics methodologies, resulting in international recognition. His main research has focused on investigating the seismic attenuation characteristics of methane hydrate layers, along with conducting experimental and theoretical validations. Acoustic logging and Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP) data, renowned for their quality and quantity in Japan, have been employed to extract elastic wave attenuation properties. Theoretical verification has been accomplished through a physical model. Additionally, we achieved experimental validation by conducting ultrasonic laboratory experiments within a partially frozen solid-liquid coexistence system, which revealed distinct seismic wave attenuation phenomena associated with methane hydrate layers. The findings mentioned above have been published in esteemed geophysical survey journals. Thus far, his investigations have encompassed earth resources including methane hydrates and geothermal resources. However, he aspires to embark upon future endeavors that extend beyond these domains and embrace the establishment of interdisciplinary fields.

He has also conducted research on energy resource theory (Evaluation of technological innovation focusing on energy balance/Introduction of scientific tools to energy policy). Grounded in the perspective that the survival and evolution processes within ecosystems hinge upon the optimization of energy balance, his objective is to contribute to the establishment of social systems and envision future societies. Our economic principle adheres to the exploration and development of energy resources that are easily accessible and exploitable, following the Best First Principle. However, the overall trend indicates a propensity for energy balance deterioration. The focal point of my research lies in the assessment and analysis of energy balance across various energy resources, as well as evaluating how the deterioration of energy balance impacts the economy, society, and Quality of Life (QoL). Specifically, our work encompasses diverse studies, such as shale gas development in North America (published in an international journal), its correlation with QoL (submitted to an international journal), its implications for the economy and society (published in a domestic journal), micro-hydroelectric power generation (published in a domestic journal), biodiesel production from waste cooking oil (published in a domestic journal), and the recycling of spent fuel at a light water reactor nuclear power plant (published in a domestic journal). Additionally, with the aim of fostering public awareness regarding the interconnection between energy resources, human history, and technology, we have authored a book titled “The World History of Energy Resources (in Japanese)”.