AWARD for the excellence in, "Pharmacy" . Am Dr.R.Priyadarsini ,currently
working as Asst .Professor in College of Pharmacy,Madras Medical
College,Chennai-03 an government institution of Tamilnadu. I have done my
schooling in SBOA matriculation school , Madurai till 1997.I have completed
B.Pharm at Madurai Medical College,Madurai (1997-2001) and M.Pharmacy in
Pharmaceutical chemistry at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical
sciences,Coimbatore(2001-2003).I did my research in the field of discovery of
Antitubercular agents and completed my Ph.D in the year 2015 at Madras
Medical College ,Chennai affiliated to The TN Dr.MGR Medical
University,Chennai-03.Am having totally 21 yrs of teaching experience in both
Private and Government Pharmacy college institutions in Tamilnadu as well as
in Andhra Pradesh. My teaching carrier was started in 2003 by joining as a
lecturer at Malineni Lakshmaiyea college of Pharmacy,Andhra and then
Sankaralingam Bhuvaneshwari college of pharmacy in sivakasi for about 4
yrs.i have also discharged my teaching duties at SRM college of
Pharmacy,potheri, Chennai. Finally I have entered the TN state government
service in 2007 for rendering my teaching service in college of Pharmacy
,Madras Medical College which is being continued till date
I have handled many subjects like Pharmaceutical organic chemistry,
Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry, Medicinal chemistry-1,Medicinal
chemistry-ii, Medicinal chemistry -iii, Advanced pharmaceutical organic
chemistry, Bio chemistry, Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical engineering
,Physical chemistry, Computer aided drug design for B.Pharm students.
Moreover I have handled subjects like Advanced organic chemistry, Advanced
Medicinal chemistry, Modern method of Pharmaceutical analysis and Computer
aided drug design. I have guided many academic projects for both B.Pharm
and M.Pharm. Most of the projects are done by exploring the field of newer
molecular drug design, pharmacophore modelling, computational approaches
involving softwares, synthesis of newer heterocyclic leads and its evaluation
studies by performing various invitro (enzyme inhibitory assays) and invivo
animal screening methods for different diseases like diabetes. Hyperlipidemia,
TB,convulacts, rheumatoid arthritis, different types of cancers like breast
cancer, lung and hepatic, alzheimers disease ,parkinsonism etc. Research work
has been published in many esteemed both national and international journals .
One of the research work involving designing of glucometer has been patent
filled and acceptedtoo. Two patents has been filled recently out of which one
has been attained status of receiving FER

1. Study of chemical constituents and pharmacological evaluation of Ruellia
2. Formulation and evaluation of Cephalaxin loaded polymethacrylic acid
3. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some Mannich bases and Azetidin-2-
ones of 3-pyridyl-4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole,Indian drugs43(2)2006.
4. Evaluation of Salbutamol Sulphate Microcapsules prepared by Thermal
technique,Indian Drugs 43(2) February 2006.
5. Drug profile of Raltegravir-An integrase I inhibitor,Pharmainfo.net,2008.
6. Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of some
Phenothiazinyl(1,2,4)Triazoles,Acta Ciencia Indica,Vol.XXXC,No.1,105(2009)
7. Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of Thiazolyl and Benzimidazo
8. Spectrophotometric estimation of Ritonavir in tablet dosage form, Acta
9. Development and validation of colorimetric methods for the determination of
Ritonavir in Tablets, Int.J.Chem.Sci,:8(1),2010,711-715.2010
10. Docking,Synthesis,Characterization and evaluation of novel CDK2
inhibitors:Benzothiazole derivatives,International Journal of pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol 4,Suppl 3,2012.
11. Docking,Synthesis,Characterization of Certain substituted Benzimidazole
Pyrimidinesas potent DHFR inhibitors with Antimycobacterial Activity,Journal
of pharmacy research 2012,5(11),5173-5177.2012.
12. Docking,Synthesis,Characterization of substituted Benzthiazoles as DHFR
inhibitors and evaluation of their Antitubercular activities,Asian J.Research
13. Pharmacophore modeling and 3D-QSAR studies on substituted
benzothiazole/benzimidazole analogues as DHFR inhibitors with

antimycobacterial activity,International journal of Pharma Sciences and
14. Antimicrobial activity of the extracts and isolated compounds of
Clerodendrum Phlomidis, International journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Sciences,vol 5,issue4,2013.
15. Prediction of binding energies/interactions between newly designed
antidiabetic molecules and different target proteins of PPAR receptors by
molecular docking studies,Journal of Pharmacy Research 2014,8(11),1653-
16. Virtual screening,synthesis of newer heterocycles as PPAR agonists with
antidiabetic activity,IJPSR,2017;Vol 8(2): 1000-16.2017
17. In silico identification of newer potential spleen tyrosine kinase and protein
arginine deiminase 4 inhibitors as potent antirheumatoid arthritic agents,Journal
of pharmacy Research,Vol II,issue 12,2017.
18. Virtual screening and Pharmacological evaluation of newer BTK inhibitors
as potent Anti-Rheumatoid arthritic agents,IJPSR,Vol.8,issue 10;October,2017.
19. Design and synthesis of some newer Imidazolyl heterocycles as potent BTK
inhibitorsfor the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis,International journal of
currentPharmaceutical research,27 March 2017.
20. Virtual screening of newer potential colony stimulating factor 1 inhibitors as
potent antiepileptic agents,IJPSR,2021;Vol 12(3): 1939-1949.2021.
21. Design,Synthesis,Characterization and Evaluation of newer potent
Apolipoprotein E4 inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s
disease,IJPSR,2021;Vol. 12(3): 1453-
22. Insilico identification of newer potential Glycogen Synthase kinase
inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer disease,World journal of Pharmaceutical
Research,Vol11,issue 5,2022.
23. Insilico identification of newer potential proprotein convertase
substilsin/kexin type 9 inhibitors as potent Anti-hyperlipiddemic
agents,IJPSR,2022; Vol. 13(12): 5152-5168.
24. Insilico identification of newer potential lemur tyrosine kinase 3 inhibitors
for thetreatment of Breast cancer,IJPSR,2023;Vol. 14(12): 5861-5879.

25. Artificial Intelligence-Driven Assesment of Aromadendrin as Casein-kinase
against Cholangiocarcinoma,IJPPR,March 2024.

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